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Erectile Dysfunction

Many men experience this condition at one stage in their life, especially those who are over the age of 50. There are several available treatment options for erectile dysfunction which commonly revolve around lifestyle changes and medications. Alternatively, some men seek therapy or resort to penile pumps and other means to relieve the issue. With so many options available, this page will look at some of the most popular treatments.

When ordering medication at our online pharmacy there will be no mention of the website name or indication that medication has been purchased. Data privacy is also something that users should always consider. Our website is protected with secure 128-bit encryption which is the same as most governments use. Despite countless men taking advantage of this great alternative way of getting a hold of medications, there are still many who are unaware of the savings they can make online.

We will also answer important questions like; What is the main cause of erectile dysfunction? What is the latest treatment for erectile dysfunction? And where can I buy erectile dysfunction medication near me? Keep on reading for all you need to know.

What is Erectile Dysfunction

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

As a condition, erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined to be a consistent inability to achieve an erection which is strong enough for sexual penetration. Around 40% of men, at this very moment, are currently diagnosed with erectile dysfunction nationwide, making it the most common mens sexual health issue. Most cases are attributed to age and underlying medical conditions and are rarely seen within the younger population.

Historically, this condition has been represented in ancient cultures through carvings in Egyptian tombs, paintings on Greek ceramics and even references to the condition in the old testament. Primitive treatments ranged from the consumption of animal testicles all the way through to electrical currents being run through the spine.

Since then, treatments have progressed considerably. In recent times, medications which are proven to be highly effective are prescribed by doctors to help men overcome this problem and regain intimacy with their partners. It is also possible for people to buy erectile dysfunction treatment products through e-Commerce websites with national and international home delivery without ever needing to visit a doctor first.

Erectile Dysfunction Causes?

As briefly mentioned, the common causes of erectile dysfunction are normally physical and due to ageing and medical conditions, however, these can cause an effect on the circulatory system. Some common physiological causes of this condition include but are not limited to;

  • High blood cholesterol
  • Atherosclerosis (congested blood vessels)
  • High blood pressure
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Physical trauma
  • Heart disease

Despite physical conditions causing erectile dysfunction, sometimes the causes can be psychological. Some psychological causes of ED include;

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Low self-esteem/confidence
  • Relationship issues
  • Depression

When the causes are physical, sometimes there are changes that people can make to improve the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Regular exercise, especially cardiovascular, is proven to boost circulatory function within the body and aid in shedding excess weight which can help even further.

Losing belly fat is proven to help allow blood to flow more freely to the genital area, as there is less tissue close to the genitals which needs oxygen rich blood. Losing weight can also help boost natural testosterone production, enhancing libido and erection quality. Men who buy erectile dysfunction treatments should consider making changes to their diets and including exercise in their daily routines.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatments

Treatments for erectile dysfunction have come a long way, as mentioned earlier in this article. In this day and age, men are prescribed treatments which come from a group of medications known as PDE5 inhibitors. Although there are a lot of famous product names on the market, such as; Viagra or Cialis, there are only 3 ingredients which are currently found within products which belong to this class of medications.

The key active ingredient (Sildenafil Citrate) is exactly the same used in the original erectile dysfunction treatment, Viagra. This active ingredient is used in the majority of ED medication including Kamagra, Cenforce and Cobra 120 mg. It was originally approved for use in the 1990s and continues to be the primary treatment option for erectile dysfunction. Other notable active ingredients would be Tadalafil (Cialis) and Vardenafil (Levitra).

When people search for treatments over the internet, they will commonly find medications with the above ingredients. These products are generic medications which are as effective as their predecessors just with a cheaper price tag. This is due to generic manufacturers not paying as much in costs for research, development and marketing, therefore they can sell their products for less, making them more available to everyone.

How Long Do Erectile Dysfunction Treatments Take to Work?

The time in which an erectile dysfunction treatment takes to work is all dependent on the ingredient of the medication and also what form it comes in. Tablet forms generally take a short while longer than those which are liquid or gel-based. Additionally, biology can play a part in how well the medication is metabolised by the user. Things like weight, age and height can all affect the onset times of any medication.

Some onset times of erectile dysfunction treatments which come in tablet form include;

  • Sildenafil; 30 - 60 minutes
  • Tadalafil; 30 - 45 minutes
  • Vardenafil; 30 - 60 minutes

Jelly forms, soft tabs and capsules, regardless of ingredients usually take around 15 minutes for the effects to be felt.

When taking medications for erectile dysfunction, men should maintain a balanced diet with plenty of fibre, proteins and carbohydrates. Fibre can help digest the medication more easily and leafy vegetables like spinach and kale can also boost nitrate content in the blood, which can help to alleviate ED. Both the medication and a healthy diet can work together to make the effects more suitable.

What is Erectile Dysfunction

How Long Do Erectile Dysfunction Treatments Last?

After being taken, erectile dysfunction medications containing Sildenafil last for about 4 to 6 hours. This allows the user to experience the effects long enough for an extensive session with their partner. Also, as the medication can remain in the blood for up to 24 hours, mild residual effects might persist much further than the indicated time frame, which can give users more time to enjoy intimacy with their partners.

Erectile dysfunction treatments that contain Tadalafil can last a period of 24 - 36 hours which is considerably more than others. Medications which use the active ingredient Vardenafil also last around 24 hours. Due to this, all of these medications are limited to one dose per day. The only difference is when they should be administered. Sildenafil should be taken as needed whereas others can be taken in the morning.

Users that purchase ED medications should make sure that they get enough sleep, as this is important for circulatory health and can ensure that the medication works effectively. On top of this, any users that smoke should make an effort to try and quit, as this can have a drastic impact on circulation, hardening the arteries, leading to further problems with ED.

Erectile Dysfunction Medication Side Effects and Safety

Like other medicines, erectile dysfunction treatments entail some level of risk. When starting any new medication, preparation is crucial because it might assist to lower these risks. In order to be ready for any side effects, patients should educate themselves on the individual product and any possible adverse effects. Although some may be described as common

Most erectile dysfunction medications can cause the following side effects;

  • Nausea
  • Muscular cramps
  • Indigestion
  • Dry mouth
  • Migraine

In order to manage the side effects of erectile dysfunction medications, people make sure that they drink enough water, as this will help the body to expel it from the system. Side effects are usually not severe and will go away when the medication has run its course. For a full list of side effects please read the patient information leaflet for the individual medication where a complete list, including allergies, is included.

As an online pharmacy which has been in the industry for a long time, we make sure that we only stock products from licensed manufacturers which work closely with the Office of Generic Drugs, a subdivision of the FDA, which makes sure generic medicines are of the highest standard and made in sanitary manufacturing plants. This means when people order through us, they will receive an effective and safe product.

Reviews of Erectile Dysfunction Medication

Reviews are an integral part of our platform. We regularly publish information on erectile dysfunction medications and many other amazing products. To allow objective input, we also allow our customers to write their own accounts of experiences they have had with our medications. This can further enforce their effectiveness in their intended treatments, allowing customers to make more informed decisions.

Reviews sections are always at the bottom of the individual product page, found underneath the product information. This information can help new customers, who have not tried a specific product before, to research and compare user feedback from previous customers. We encourage anyone who has purchased any of our erectile dysfunction medications to leave a review of their own, regardless if it is positive or negative.

Our review platform maintains client confidence at all times by not sharing any personal information with third parties. As already mentioned, we use security measures to protect our customers data and also do not leave any traces, within transaction data, to ourselves or the products that our customers choose to purchase. Even our packaging is discreet as there are no labels which show the contents of the parcel.

Where to Buy Erectile Dysfunction Medication

Due to them not being stocked in standard pharmacies, people looking to buy erectile dysfunction treatments that are generic will only be able to do so online. However, buying this way can be a quick and discreet way to do it without having to leave your house. People may trust that their medication will arrive promptly, safely, and securely thanks to the recorded delivery services provided by the couriers used.

Finding the best prescription for each person is made simpler thanks to affordable prices provided by online pharmacies and large assortments of drugs where prices can be compared. Traditional pharmacies, in contrast, may charge higher prices and not carry generic erectile dysfunction treatments. Moreover, branded medication can cost up to 10 times as much when compared with online pharmacies.

Discretion and a service which people can rely on is something that we take great pride in. As our online pharmacy allows customers to buy erectile dysfunction medications prescription free, it has become increasingly popular. When people search for buy erectile dysfunction medication or Kamagra near me' we are one of the top results for a reason, we have a reputation for providing great quality generics to the nation in timeframes which cannot be matched.

What is Erectile Dysfunction

Buy Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Online

Here, customers may buy erectile dysfunction medications with fast home delivery throughout Australia. The process of ordering from us begins on the product page, where you may browse a wide selection of items for a variety of conditions, including items for the ladies. Read about the individual product and follow the instructions to order.

To get started, just add products to the cart and proceed to the checkout to review your order before going on to make payment. Our payment methods are discreet as previously mentioned. We accept Visa, MasterCard and Bitcoin. Once payments for orders are cleared, we will confirm by email and once dispatched, we will send a tracking ID. Delivery takes an average of 3 - 7 working days from payment confirmation.

Anyone with further enquiries about our products and services can easily contact our customer services team through email, our live chat feature or customer hotline. Simply head to our homepage and click on your preferred option.

Buy erectile dysfunction medication today at kamagra2australia.com and start loving life once again.

Dr Charlotte Williams

Dr Charlotte Williams

Meet Dr Charlotte Williams, our resident sexual health expert and fitness enthusiast, who is as likely to be found scaling a climbing wall at her local gym as she is running a 10k for her morning workout. With a medical degree from the prestigious University of Sydney, Charlotte has dedicated her career to empowering individuals to take charge of their sexual health and well-being.

Checked: 19th March 2024
Review Due: April 2025

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